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Life Lately / 02

Last month I posted some Instagram shots of my life lately. It was fun and a great way to keep track of the everyday. Sometimes I have a hard time slowing down and appreciating little things – my morning coffee, dinners spent with my fiance, how the house lights up even on cloudy days. At the end of everyday I’ve been trying to write down a sentence of something – anything – that happened that I’d like to remember. There are times when I miss a day and for the life of me can’t think of a thing to write. Isn’t that sad?

Instagram is pretty prevalent in our social media culture at the moment and I’m pretty okay with it. It seems that the essence is to capture those little things, however mundane. We all know how much we like to photograph our food! In an effort to encourage myself to slow down and remember, I’m introducing the Life Lately column. Life in Instagrams.

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Life lately  /  photos by Paper & Honey

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  1. Looking up at the wooden beamed ceiling of the barn where I’ll be marrying my best friend this coming May. I’ve talked about how much I love this place a few months ago and my adoration has only grown. Just looking at that photo makes me feel giddy.  🙂
  2. A few weeks ago Max and I went to an incredible dinner followed by the Ann Arbor Folk Festival. It was held at the beautiful Hill Auditorium, a building celebrating its 100th birthday this month and known for its unreal acoustics. Seriously, we were in the top row and pretty high up, but when Frontier Ruckus played a song acapella, we could have been standing right next to them.
  3. There’s an octopus at the bottom of my tea!
  4. My pup thinks he’s an artist. I wish I could’ve snuck my pen under his paw for this shot.
  5. A peek at my front yard during an eerily foggy Michigan day. This was taken around 4pm.
  6. Max and I sampled a few local homebrews during a festival held at one of our favorite breweries.
  7. Practicing for an upcoming Make Your Mark post.
  8. In between all the 20 degree days, we had one that was close to 60, because, you know, Michigan. I took advantage and went for a run. It tasted like spring and was such a tease when the temperatures dropped again.

Want to be Instagram friends?  – L

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We *are* using their printing presses, though.

This ain't your granddaddy's print shop.