Filed in

Here goes nothing

Well, this is it. My very first blog post, high school Livejournal excluded. Is it weird that it’s taking me a long time to write? Maybe like 5 minutes for that third sentence. I feel like I’m already censoring myself when the only person that knows this exists is me.

I don’t know what I’ll write about yet. Lots of design, I know, but I also want this to be something I hold for years, something that holds many more memories than I feel I can hold. I’m at this point in my life where everything is changing and I want a place to put it all down. I want to be able to step back and appreciate everything that’s happened to me lately, as opposed to being caught up in the exact. moment. and worrying about things that won’t matter in a year or five.

I’m hoping that, knowing Paper & Honey is A Thing now, I’ll be motivated and strive to make things for me. I come home from my full time day job and feel too exhausted or burnt out to create anything. I mean, that’s what I’m passionate about, right? That’s what I live my life around, being creative, passionate, and fulfilled. I haven’t felt any of those lately except passion for escaping my job and dreaming outside of it.

Let’s see where this takes me.

We *are* using their printing presses, though.

This ain't your granddaddy's print shop.