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Dress Your Tech


Going two days without a new post was totally unintended, but necessary, as I allowed a very big and very exciting new friend into my life – a brand new iMac. This is something I’ve been wanting to do for a VERY long time. My previous computer was a Macbook Pro that I received as a graduation present back in 2008, and old trusty got me through college and then some. Going from 15″ to 27″ is quite a big leap, but I’m fairly certain I won’t have too hard of a time adjusting. I’m a martyr, I know.

As much as I could gush about this shiny technological beauty from the future, I’m not going to, because nobody wants to read that. Instead, I’m going to share one of my favorite columns from Designlovefest: Dress Your Tech. Twin sisters Kelty and Hannah of The Weaver House contribute to Bri’s blog weekly, bringing fun, colorful, and crafty wallpapers to your Mac, iPad, or iPhone of choice. I’m always on the hunt for a pretty new image to brighten up my work space and these fit in perfectly.

I collected a few of my favorites from the column before posting and am just now realizing how incredibly similar they all are to one another. Isn’t it funny how you can unknowingly discover your own tastes? 🙂

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Follow along with the Dress Your Tech column or check out all of The Weaver House’s previous wallpapers here!  – L

We *are* using their printing presses, though.

This ain't your granddaddy's print shop.