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Worley’s Lighting

Since moving from an apartment and buying our first home, it’s almost been hard adjusting to the fact that we can virtually do anything we want to the interiors (what do you mean I can paint over these salmon pink walls?). It’s also been difficult pinning down an aesthetic for our home – there are so many beautiful things in the world! I want to collect them all and live in them!

I’ve never been someone to admire the industrial scene but I’m quickly coming around. I’ve always loved wood, copper, and brass, though, so the marrying of all three is something I can definitely get behind. I recently found Worley’s Lighting and have been brainstorming ever since of all the nooks and crannies in our house that I could fill with one (or two… or all…) of these beauties! The lightbulbs feel so Edison-era, don’t they?

Hope you had a great weekend! Happy Monday, friends.  – L

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We *are* using their printing presses, though.

This ain't your granddaddy's print shop.