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Make Your Mark / 14

calligraphy & handlettering by Paper & Honey / find beauty in the small things


Lessons learned this week:

    • Even really, really successful people don’t have it all together.
    • Practice leads to breakthroughs, breakthroughs lead to “maybe this won’t be so bad after all.”
    • There is no such thing as too much Sriracha sauce.
    • Stop subscribing to online to-do lists. I won’t use them.
    • I have entirely too many pairs of shoes with holes in the heel.
    • Try to avoid snow piles and puddles when wearing said holey shoes. I will regret it no matter how many pairs of socks I’m wearing.
    • Pay attention to when the sun sets. It may still be earlier than preferred, but it’s staying lighter out a bit longer, and hey… I’ll take it.

Find beauty in the small things, like the fact that it’s Friday and that you can spend all day watching this if you really want to. Happy weekend, friends. – L


Make Your Mark is a weekly series in which I post a bit of handlettered work in the form of an inspirational, go-get-’em-tiger quote. See previous entries here!

We *are* using their printing presses, though.

This ain't your granddaddy's print shop.