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Make Your Mark / 12

Handlettering by Paper & Honey | Live a passionately curious life

Is anyone else as nitpicky as I am when it comes to trying new things? I’m a pen + paper kind of girl — paints, colored pencils, oil pastels, anything beyond a pen, totally intimidating. When something isn’t totally perfect on my first attempt, throw it out. I hate it. Let’s light it on fire.

But there’s no fun in that. After all, had I burned my aggressive-looking calligraphy pen the first time I picked it up, maybe I wouldn’t be here. I can guarantee I wouldn’t have my passion for handlettering had I not kept at it and continued practicing, and maybe Paper & Honey wouldn’t be a thing at all. Maybe I’d still be at my ho-hum day job. Strange to think about, right?

Which brings me to today’s Make Your Mark illustration, based on one of my favorite quotes:

I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious.
— Albert Einstein

I’ve been having so much fun with a cheap-o watercolor set I picked up on a whim a couple months back. With no painting experience whatsoever, it’s really intriguing to add this new medium to my handlettering work. Add a big glass of wine and Netflix and you’ve got yourself a solid Friday night!

What are you curious about? Are there any intimidating skills you’d love to tackle + add to your repertoire? – L

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Make Your Mark is a weekly series in which I post a bit of handlettered work in the form of an inspirational, go-get-’em-tiger quote. See previous entries here!

We *are* using their printing presses, though.

This ain't your granddaddy's print shop.