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Make Your Mark / 01

I’m so excited to introduce a brand new column today. It’s something I’ve been wanting to do for awhile now, and what better time than the present, right?

Since embarking as a freelancer/do-it-myself-er, I’ve spent a lot of time feeling like I’m just running around wondering what the heck I’m doing. I’m sure other freelancers and self-employeds can attest that it’s not pretty. How do we moderate ourselves and get work done when sitting on the couch eating pizza rolls is also a very plausible (and oftentimes more appealing) option? We, or at least I, need some kind of structure to maintain productivity. That’s why I’m introducing Make Your Mark.

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Make Your Mark will be a weekly column. Every Friday I am going to post a bit of handlettered work in the form of an inspirational, go-get-’em-tiger quote. I can’t think of a better way to hold myself accountable to practicing my lettering and calligraphy, blogging, and thinking positively than to focus it all in a pretty image! If you can, I’d love to hear it. Because I’d probably want to do that too.

I’m really excited about this.  – L

We *are* using their printing presses, though.

This ain't your granddaddy's print shop.