Well hello, stranger! I haven’t visited my blog in a looong time. I’m not the best at blogging — writing takes me for-ev-er because I need everything to be perfect the first time (see: lots of sleepless paper-writing college nights). After Making Things Happen in April, I had one billion ideas of what to blog about. I may not get to all one billion but I can at least tick one off.
In a heroic act of seeking self improvement, here are some goals of mine for the month of June!

Photo from my Instagram
- Stick to my office hours. My biggest MTH takeaway? My business interfered with my personal life way too much. When Max comes home from a 12 hour day at the hospital and I’m still hunched over the computer or a pile of envelopes in my studio, that’s a bad time. I absolutely love what I do. Paper & Honey was born from my heart and soul and I feel blessed every single day to be working with the clients I have. But to stay sane and happy, I had to set a boundary — 5 o’clock and it’s my turn to relax. Granted, there are days when working overtime just can’t be avoided, and that’s fine! It’s just knowing when to sit back and have a beer so you don’t snap and have 6. 🙂
- Finish Couch to 5K. I’ve been attempting C25K for the past three years and I just never finish. In Michigan, there’s a magical golden time in autumn and in spring where the temperature is juuust right for running outside — anything beyond is miserably humid or an ice age. I might be exaggerating just a little. But! I always use the weather as an excuse, and I REALLY want to finish a 5K this year and check that off of my long-time goals list. C25K, you’re mine. Fourth time’s a charm? Right? If I don’t run I won’t get to wear the colorful Target bras I just bought and that would be such a waste. Do it for the bras!
- Take my pups on more walks. Self explanatory. These little guys shouldn’t miss out because I’m too busy working (see: goal #1) or too lazy (see: goal #2).
- Purge our bedroom. Specifically, clothing. Does anyone else still have clothes from high school that you KNOW you’re not going to wear, but you wore it that one fun time when you did that one fun thing, and it was so great, and oh man remember when that person said that? That was good. Good times. I’ve been really inspired by Val Woerner’s capsule wardrobe, and though I think editing everything down to 30-40 pieces is too lofty a goal for me, I can absolutely donate a ton of stuff. I started last night and it feels refreshing already.
- Make Max dinner at least twice a week. My husband is really great at flipping gender roles. He’ll come home from work, mow the lawn, feed me something awesome, and do the laundry. If you’re thinking that sounds phenomenal, it is. I don’t know how he manages to power through all of that in one day but he does. I need to step up my wife game and show love in the form of housework so that he can take a breather.
- Start budgeting for a living room redecoration. We’ve been in our house for about a year and a half and the only “finished” room is my office. Which is fine — moving into your first home is SO MUCH MONEY — but I’m ready to make this house a home. It has so much character and just needs a bit of love. One of the most unpredicted recent Laura developments is that I weirdly love budgeting, and I’m weirdly excited to start setting aside money chunks to get this done. New couch, I’m comin’ for ya.
- Get a haircut??? Maybe? This remains to be seen. Have to find the guts first.
I could keep going but I need to settle down. I’m pumped to get these down on proverbial paper and get started! Do you have any goals for this month? I’d love to hear them.