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Hey, new year. Let’s be friends.

Happy 2013, friends! That number feels so weird in my mouth and looks even stranger on screen. Does anyone else hear 2007 and think “last year”? No? Just me? Hm.

Anyway, I’m so excited to share with you my top memories from 2012, better known as one of the best years I’ve ever had. It’s going to be hard to top. The top 10:

  1. Ringing in 2012 in Philadelphia with my main squeeze. We made a spontaneous decision to make the ten hour trip to see my favorite band Good Old War play a New Year’s Eve show in their hometown and it was absolutely phenomenal. You know those vacations where just everything went perfectly? Yeah. It was one of those.
  2. Getting a pup of my own, Moose.
  3. Graduating Summa Cum Laude from my university. A BFA after all those years of late night painting and stressing just feels SO good.
  4. Exploring. This year I travelled within Michigan more than I ever have. I’ve been here my whole life and it seems that it took me twenty-two years to branch out in my own beautiful state.
  5. Spending this summer with Max in our own apartment. We grilled on the patio, sitting outside with a beer and a good book while the sun went down, right next to our tiny veggie garden. So peaceful.
  6. Getting engaged! Because obviously.
  7. Forming Paper & Honey. The idea has been in my head for so long and it was so satisfying to begin turning my concepts into a tangible brand. Even though it’s in its infant stages, hey, at least it exists.
  8. Attaining a full-time design job and the pride that comes with it, gaining some real-world experience, realizing the vastness of how much it isn’t for me, and quitting. It was absolutely terrifying and absolutely necessary.
  9. Buying our first home. Immediately feeling like my life flipped for the better. In that order.
  10. Realizing over the course of this year what I want in my life and in my career.

It was so easy to come up with my top ten favorite things about 2012 and I find that incredible. Last year was spent wrapping up school and getting my feet on the ground, but this year will be the time to really take off.

  1. Open up the Paper & Honey shop with a bang!
  2. Fall in an even deeper love with my fiance.
  3. Expand my lettering and calligraphy skills.
  4. Expand my sewing and quilting skills.
  5. Blog regularly, providing unique and interesting content.
  6. Hone my studio into a productive, creative, and inspiring space.
  7. Read twenty more books.
  8. Begin running again and live a generally healthier lifestyle. Ultimate goal is to run a 5k in 2013.
  9. Juice regularly and cook at least five meals per week.
  10. Create something, anything, every single day.

I’ve never been big on resolutions, but sitting down and hashing out exactly what I want to accomplish has already given me some clarity. Big things are coming and I’m so ready.

What are some of your goals for 2013?  – L

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We *are* using their printing presses, though.

This ain't your granddaddy's print shop.